As you know if you’ve been to the Graveface Museum, we are the world’s largest collectors of John Wayne Gacy artifacts. We own everything that was in his cell at the time of his execution, all of his company documents, travel records, receipts, 237 paintings, 1200+ letters, over 60 hours of unheard audio tapes never before published, and much more. The collection is now over 10,000 pieces. One of the most important items we own is his logbook (you’ve seen this hanging in the museum). Inside this logbook, he details every 5-15 minutes of his life on death row but perhaps more importantly, keeps a log of all of the artwork he made for people.
For the first time publicly, we’re offering a C.O.A. service to anyone who is attempting to purchase a Gacy painting from a random internet seller. Since COVID we’ve discovered over 100 fake Gacy paintings selling at famous auction houses, Facebook Marketplace, from “reputable” true crime dealers, and even sites like Craigslist. The market is FLOODED with fakes and comically, most fakes are selling for double what an actual Gacy painting is worth.
Before you spend $2-6k on something that might be fake, fill out the form below and Ryan Graveface will personally check Gacy’s log to confirm whether the serial number is correct or not. Gacy was meticulous so this data is certainly the most accurate source possible to determine if something is real or fake. Once you fill out the form we will respond via email at which point you can send photos of the piece which will confirm/deny the logbook findings. Don’t waste your money on fake shit. Don’t trust any true crime website charging you for a C.O.A. At this point, we’re the only place on earth that has the full list of Gacy paintings along with their respective serial numbers and this is a service that will be eternally provided for free because I’m tired of seeing people be ripped off. Holler if you have any questions. xo